Retirement Plan With Mutual Funds

Thukral Capital Market - Retirement Planning With Mutual Funds

Retirement Planning for Your Second Inning

Areas covered

  1. Why retirement planning?
  2. Social securty in India
  3. Planning for your retirement
  4. Creating your own pension system through Mutual Funds
Thukral Capital Market - Areas Covered For Retirement Planning

We plan for all our dreams

Thukral Capital market - What About Your Retirement

Earning Age increased

Due to focus on higher studies

Thukral Capital Market - Earning Current Age 25 years

Retirement Age reduced

Thukral Capital Market - Retirement Age 58 Years

Change in lifestyle

Thukral Capital Market - Retirement Age 50 Years


Thukral Capital Market - Consequence Age 18 Years to 58 Years

Earning Age reduced

Thukral Capital Market - Consequence Age 25 Years to 50 Years

Life Expectancy

Thukral Capital Martket - Life Expectancy 64.97

Life Expectancy is increased due to medical advancement

Thukral capital Market - Life Expectancy 68.56

Shift in social structure

Thukral Capital Market - Shift in Social Structure

From joint family to nuclear family

Inflation – increasing expenses

Thukral capital market - Inflation Increasing Expenses Chart

Declining value of your saving

Thukral capital market - Declining value of your saving

Are you planning enough

Value of Saving

Thukral Capital Market - Saving Up Down
Thukral capital Market - Expenses


Health Care expenses rising faster

Thukral Capital Market - Expenses Rising Faster

Health care cost in India is rising at the rate of 10% p.a. with new
lifestyle diseases getting every 5 to 10 years; we need to do provision
for healthy retirement

Thukral Capital Market - Cost Increase

*Assuming cost increases at 10% every year
#Internal Research. Approx cost

Major surgery cost

Thukral capital Market - Major surgery cost

Lack of social security

  1. India’s pension system is already
    ranked 28 out of the 30 countries.
  2. ONLY 7.4% of the working age
    population in India is covered under a
    pension program
Thukral capital market - Lack of Social Security

Future looks scary

  1. By 2050, 19% of Indians will be above 60 years
    of age, according to the UN Population Division, but
    only 25% of that population currently have some
    form of pension cover.
  2. 60% DO NOT have any retirement plan. Yet 63%
    feel that they will have sufficient money during their
    retired years
Thukral Capital Market - Future Looks Scary

Financing not available

Thukral Capital Market - Financing Not Available

Most expensive financial Goal
Financing not avilable

Plan wisely!

Thukral Capital Market - Plan Your Retirement

Mutual Funds

Thukral Capital Market - Plan Wisely Retirement

Retirement Planning Solution


Systematic Investment Plan & Systematic Withdrawal Plan

How does it work!

Thukral Capital Market - How Dose Retirement Work

Two step process

  1. Invest through SIP for your retirement
    while you are young.
  2. Generate regular income through
    SWP during retirement.
Thukral Capital Market - Two Step Process for Retirement

Case study

Name – Mr Prashant Sharma
Age – 28 Years
Monthly SIP Amount – Rs 10000/-
Retirement Age – 55
Assumed return – 12%*

Thukral Capital Market - Monthly Sip Case Study For Retirement

Retirement corpus – SIP

Name – Mr Prashant Sharma
Age – 28 Years
Monthly SIP Amount – Rs 10,000/-
Retirement Age – 55
Assumed return – 12%*

Retirement Corpus
Rs. 2,16,23,129

*Assumed return is only for the illustrative purpose and not to be considered as a guarantee.

Thukral Capital Market - Retirement Corpus

Monthly Withdrawal – SWP

  • Retirement Corpus – Rs. 2,16,23,129
  • Return expected from debt MF – 6%*

Monthly withdrawal
Rs. 1,08,116
(Consider this as a pension)

*Assumed return is only for the illustrative purpose and not to be considered as a guarantee.

Thukral Capital Market - Monthly Withdrawal Retirement Sip

Your own pension system

By investing Rs 10000/- monthly
starting from Age 28 , Prashant can
create his own ‘pension like’ the
monthly withdrawal of Rs. 1,08,116
after retirement.

*Return from Equity fund is assumed as 12% p.a. and from debt fund for the purpose of SWP 6% p.a. is

Thukral Capital Market - Own Pension System

Your own pension system

Thukral Capital Market - Own Pension System

Cost of delay

Thukral Capital Market - Cost of Delay

In Nutshell

  • Planning for your own retirement is the most crucial financial goal.
  • Starting early is the key
  • Create your own ‘Pension like’ system with the help of SIP & SWP of Mutual Funds
Thukral Capital Market - Retirement Planning Summary


Thukral CapitalAuthor posts

Thukral Capital Market is the best mutual fund distributor in Bhadohi, Varanasi, and Gurgaon, which manages mutual fund investments, sip investments, tax-saving, equity funds, etc.

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